Complete Starter Kit For Beekeeping:
This kit has everything but bees for a beginner Beekeeper to start up a hive.
Hive -
- B11101 - Unassembled Telescoping Metal Cover
- 2 B50270 - 10 Frame Hive Body
- 2 B34100 - 10 Frame Super medium
- M60055 - Inner Cover 10-Frame Size
- 20 9 ⅛ Frame - includes plasticell foundation
- 20 6 ¼ Frame - includes plasticell foundation
- C91201P - Painted Bottom Board
Tools -
- Gloves - size determined by the customer
- Jacket - size determined by the customer
- M00926 - Smoker w/o Shield
- M00810 - Bag of Smoker Fuel
- M007571 - Yellow Hive Tool
- M00751 - Bee Brush
- First Lessons in Beekeeping Book